Chess Club
The Beloit Chess Club is dedicated to providing a place in which players of all skill levels may play, practice, and compete as well as promoting increased knowledge and understanding of the game of chess for its own sake as an art and as an intellectual sport.
The Beloit Chess Club is intended to promote friendly competition in a welcoming and relaxed environment for its members and the college community.
The Beloit Chess Club intends to take part in, as well as sponsor, local, regional, and national tournaments.
Membership is open to all Beloit College Students paying a Student Activities fee, regardless of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical or mental disabilities.
Duties of Members.
In order to be considered a Voting Member of the Beloit Chess Club, a student must be either an Executive Officer (of the Beloit Chess Club) or attend at least 75% of all meetings starting the week after classes begin.
Any student who wishes to be a part of the Beloit Chess Club but does not qualify as a Voting Member shall be known as an Official Member.
Nonstudents (e.g. faculty/staff) are not allowed to be Voting Members of Beloit Chess Club, but are allowed to be a Official Member.
Position | Name |
Student | Ethan Larson ( |
Advisor | Philip Shields ( |
Last modified
Nov. 28th, 2023 at 3:08pm